Fat talk?! Cellulite - You have it!

While many people nowadays, men and women invest hundreds and thousands of dollars in their lifetime in skin care products and other cosmetic works, the talk about

FAT - Never disappears
(figuratively and literally!)

The above picture is taken from here.

For many, it has become a disease -obesity. Others, it's the social stigma that kills. Being called
"fat, fats, fatty, obese, you ate your sister's dinner,
let's not call her or we'll have no food left,
if we go to the cinema with her no one else can watch the movie" and etc.

Does that sound familiar? Many may joke around about people's weight, but really it could be taken the wrong way! - Sad, Angry, Depressed, Suicidal?! are amongst the many feelings a so-called fatty may feel.

A little medical knowledge for those around:
Fat is somewhat like a balloon. Because of this nature, it is easy for fat to build up! Hence, for many people who noticed fat people put on weight, it's amazingly drastic!

A sad fact for those out there is, once fat is made, it'll never disappear. Yes, you heard it right! It won't go away. This balloon like encasing can shrink but not be rid of!

That is the reason why a person who once had lost many pounds can put it back on so easily when they stop their exercise and health eating habits.

Now about the title in itself:
Cellulite! what exactly is this hated thing usually mentioned by girls? In essence, it's increased fat deposition at certain areas such as the thighs and gluteus (butt) whereby it causes skin dimpling because of the stretching of the skin on the fat.

Here is the answer to your troubles!

The Whys and Hows of Cellulite - Health Guru

Cellulite as a whole is not a huge issue to me, but the idea of fat is! This is because it has been proven to become a risk factor towards many health problems. Amongst them, the commonly heard of is a Myocardial Infarction : aka Heart Attack!

If you're slightly on the heavy side, i understand it's difficult and very strenuous to lose weight. But look at it long term, and do not let this get in the way of you living your life to the fullest and worry about whether you're gonna be able to wake up one day alive or dead from some preventable illness.

Always remember!

A little exercise a day, goes a long way!
Make a choice for yourself and your loved ones!

Godspeed! :)

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