Psychooo OOO

4:37am Have ya been called crazy before? If you haven't, you must be really sane! haha. Lame jokes aside, I had finished my orthopedic posting just a week back. Now in my final posting of my semester before the major exam for this year.


Yes, dealing with the mentally unstable. I never knew that the things you see in the movie like a beautiful mind, shutter island, and etc are for real! IN MALAYSIA!

It's a very sad affair i feel. People who are meant to lead happy lives, due to certain reasons mainly I believe linked to stress and poor coping skills, end up being stigmatised for the rest of their lives.

It's going to be my 2nd week now. I'm sure there'll be more to come! Bid me luck and pray for my success in devouring 7 postings worth of knowledge over the next few weeks. Essentially 7 times 300 pages for each book.

wohoo! med school is really fun :)


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