By the title, many thoughts have entered your mind. You might have thought, hey this is going to be one of those 'Say no to sex' posts. Others might think, oh okay i can learn something from this - what's HIV and etc. I say, you just have to read, scroll, see, and a MUST watch!
HIV (human immunodeficiency virus)
- in a gist, affects persons immune system (causes it to be weak) leading to more infections and diseases (problemz)
- transfer of blood, semen, vaginal fluid, pre-ejaculate, or breast milk. Within these bodily fluids, ... [wikipedia]
more info, check the American Foundation in children with AIDS.
And as for the stuff below, IMU had a HIV awareness campaign this is what came out:
. The red ribbon sign - Melody Wong, Long Karmen
. Melissa Ng, Long Karmen, Yao Zong Tay, Melody Wong, Micahel Eng
. Melody Wong and the Happy Human Condoms
. The Happy Human Condoms getting "HAPPIER"
. Random dude wearing the Human condom (they're both enjoying it)
And they were also giving out free condoms. They had lots extra and gave me an entire box (144 happy rounds!)
. Myself checking the Viva condoms (new german technology condoms)
. The happy condoms Viva brand
Now this is what I and a few friends did with the condoms. Yes that's right. We tested them out ourselves to see how durable they are!
. Tatsuke and I with the balloon condom
. A pic of Tatsuke makind a dick-head out of himself! (Japanese people)
haha. Just joking people.
So remember everyone. Practice safe sex and YOU can reduce the pandemic HIV!
As we've learned in medical lectures, preach the ABC's
1. Abstinence
if you can't
2. Be faithful! (don't do multiple partners)
if you still can't do that
Brought to you by AMSA n BeN'Z + The rest of fight HIV people around the world.
4 Comment Here!:
What the hell ?!!!
You actually blow the condom up?
Brilliant man !!
tatsuki u rocks!
hey benedict, the video is really amusing, and btw, nice meeting u! -wenyi-
(jz in case u don't remember who i am, i met u at the student lounge after u guys shot the video and u showed it to me on the phone. haha)
haha. wenyi i remember you! i'm glad you enjoyed it. and yes it's nice to meet u. hope to catch ya round sometime soon :) maybe then u could help me do another crazy vid! hahaha!
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