Osama bin laden is DEAD?!

Don't you think it's such a coincidence? I mean, dude...

Out of nowhere, on the 1st of May the US army killed Osama:
the most wanted person (criminal/terrorist/wtv you wanna call it) on earth.

The best part about it is no further information was given. All we know is that it was not at Afghanistan. He most probably was drinking a cup of Joe and reading his morning newspaper plus giving out orders for McDonald's breakfast meal. "hey man, i would like one breakfast set please. the one with the egg. yeah that's right. how much is that? sorry, you either deliver it or i'll send one of my suicide bombers to your drive-thru", in an afghan voice Osama speaks.

Here's a little vlog from me

video to be uploaded as soon as it's on youtube, check back here in a few moments

Osama bin laden is DEAD?!

And some cartoon humor regarding OBL featuring Family Guy and South Park.

Family guy, bin laden beginning in english

Osama Bin Laden Is Dead (South Park)

I'm a little confused about this:

If a national figure of yours was killed,your country would get their revenge correct? Now that is slained,won't terrorists emo rage?

he's actually quite a handsome fellow don't you reckon?

Let's hope this really as they say, stops "terrorism" and bring world peace.
Take care :)

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