301th post?!

Pretty far out if ya asked me! It has been over a year since the blog started and just the other day, without me realizing, twas' my 300th post! Making this the:

301th post?!

A lot has changed through my blogging styles and material since the start of it. Anyhow, here's a cake for me Bloggieeeeee :)

sidetrackkkkkkk -->

And update to the Yamaha DTX drum competition,
.... I
.... am
..... NOT PLAYING!!!

Nah, not much to be sad about. They cancelled the competition due to lack of participation. Sad as I wanted to gauge myself to other drummers locally, but it happens!

Have a great week ahead beautifuls!

Slide away car car! WEEEEEEEeeee!

Ya know Tokyo Drift,

Ya know Drag Races,

Ya know cars + speed + dangerous weather = GG :)

Well, maybe even in a calm weather but very smooth terrain ya gonna be in a slippery position!

This video takes a prize for being the most simple video, yet addictive to see what just happens next!

Sliding Cars in Seattle Snow on 11/22/10

Double Trouble BeN'Z Word!

This may just be the first time (from what I can recall, of having two BeN'Z words in a day!)

SO here they are:

BeN'Z word:
Writing leaves evidence,
whilst chatter may be twisted into a fiction of one's imagination.

BeN'Z word
Decency is a matter of perception in one's mind.

In some sense, they're unrelated; but, i hope they may help you in some way today, tomorrow or the near future!!!

It was viral from the start!

I saw this vid when there were still a few views and few subscribers. Few days after, this guy just owned my youtube channel without a 2nd look. :(

but i must admit, his dancing and accent was ... i just can't do it. people won't buy it from me. hahaha!


Club Can't Handle Me (Indian Style)

Time is of the essence!

Ever felt that some days are long yet short, a drag yet a breeze, a something yet another something?

If there's one thing a person realizes as they grow "older" each and every day,
is the need for more time!

Take these as examples:

Running a race

Doing an exam

Completing a project

Spending family time

Awaiting the bright light

For myself, mainly is regarding
personal, family, social, and medical life.
The balance between these are a challenge everyday.

It's cool when everything's balanced. Like yin and yang; alpha and omega.

Life is perfect!
Then again, that's not life; that's make-belief.

Disrupting this ball of sectors, will make one end happy, whilst the rest either just contented; or unhappy. It's all cool when all parties understand this principle. But many times, one just lies on the wok like a stir-fried fish.

yeah it looks yummy,
but note that it's only delicious
for those whom are eating it: NOT me :P

In conclusion, all I want to rant out is:

God I pray that you help me
multiply my hours;
work out perfectly!
In Jesus name, AMEN!

a lil update?


that's what you must be thinking now!

.... but NO! I am still around :)

about my life,
  1. I've finished my Internal Medicine posting
  2. Currently in my Family Medicine posting
  3. Waking up is still as late as ever... 7:00am.
  4. Was anxiously awaiting the Yamaha Drum Competition which was... postponed.
  5. The work from studies are piled up as always for some funny reason.
  6. Would like a holiday! with family :)
  7. Need to start studying.... like for real... actually reading.
  8. I'm enjoying life one day at a time.

Things to note, Med school is quite chillaxed if you're a non-easily-stressed person. I guess it really depends what's your aim in life. What you plan to achieve.

**When at a junction that boggles your mind
and toggles your stress hormones (cortisol) on,
breathe in and out slowly,
count to 60 and tell yourself,

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