Working out? Losing weight? Here's STAR WARS GYM!

It has been all the craze since time began for the dominant gender; the males to prove their might by beating someone else or something to pulp! The time of the Romans and Greeks have long passed. Yet, becoming that strong, buffed up person amongst the crowd seems to be the goal of many boys and men!
[With the exception of me :P]

Everyone for the past 10 years now, have been in the GYM craze! They work out, lift weights, exercise those muscles.... Till they themselves become part of the equipment!
HAHAHA! Just kidding ;)

There are the few who say NO to the classical gymming style! I know of groups who go to parks and work-out. Mainly body-weights only. More of a means to keep fit than become the Hulk!

AND, this is what you've been wanting to see! Just like the title of this post,
Gym STAR WARS STYLE!!! don't take my word for it. Seeing is believing! So watch it!

"JEDI GYM" - Vanroble

I thought this was just utterly creative and sweet! Don't you?

2 Comment Here!:

this is so darn lame... hahaha

it's sooo good yeah! hahahaha! we might need a medical gym ;)

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