If atheists don't believe in God

Question of the week!

You live life everyday by waking up, performing your daily routine (may it be school, work, or bum), eating meals in between, relaxing yourself and finally snoozing off.

You are so engrossed with prior arrangements that you forget about listening to others around you. You forget to give back a little from the mountain you have. You forget to spend time with the ones you love.

So, how many times in a day do you remember to pray and talk to God? He is always ready to listen.

If you don't share a common faith, you most probably have a belief of your own. If you do believe in a God, ask yourself why this God and why not another? If you don't believe in a God, ask yourself why not?

Let's seek that eternal happiness people as this world will decay and one day cease to exist. Then where do we go?

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