Falling asleep

12:50am first and foremost, i would like to thank and praise God for my exams last week. When you walk into an exam you sort of know your competency base on your studies. For me, i knew i needed more knowledge, but with God, i managed to do the exam well (i believe) - yet to know my results but praying for the best!

On a lighter or heavier note depending on how you see it, i am stuck in a rut when it comes to my studying. My first professional exam (med school exit exam) is due in 5 weeks. I have 1000s of pages worth to commit to memory with the assumption i am able to regurgitate it as well as apply!

That said, i start my adventure with snail pace. As i sit down to study, i fall asleep in 15 minutes. At nights when i want to sleep, i can't. Oh goodness me.

By faith i shall pull through and become a great doctor! Wish me luck! Prayers more importantly!

Btw, have you thanked God for your family? Friends? Country? Breath of life?

If you haven't don't hesitate because you owe Him that lil' gratitude.

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How have you been?

1:57am it's early in the morning and I am praying (apart from blogging now). I have my pediatrics exam this Thursday and Friday, yet my 500+ page book is still somewhat clean.

Funny thing is I don't feel stressed. I guess I'm having faith that God is always there for me. Nonetheless I will do my utmost best and enjoy the challenge.

Do pray for me and bid me the best of luck as I believe I'm gonna need it :p

Btw, of non-recent updates - I hope you have been enjoying my instant am pics that are near daily updated!

- Posted using BlogPress from BeN'Z iPad 2

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