What's been happening doc?!

3:52am Yeah so i went M.I.A eversince my update on the 6th with regards to chinese new year. And the exam.. Please just kill me for that. One of the reasons for no-updates apart from trying to enjoy my 2 weeks hol to the maxxxxx!

So it was probably the worst i've done so far in my uni life, but at least i've learnt my lesson and now.... SUPER HARDCORE NERD BENZZ!

Well, at least more than before :p

I definitely enjoyed myself this round with all the late nights and the random trips around plus meets with old-school buddies.

As time keeps running, ome realizes the need for time is amazing. Wishing days were 48hours and commitments are like 5-year-olds.

Enough said, i'm going to be even more productive this semester (beginning tomorrow), not only in terms of my studies, but blogging, youtube, outdoor life, music, and etc. So pray for me and stay tuned!

- Posted using BlogPress from my SEXY iPad

Chinese New Year!

Gong Xi Fa Cai
Happy Chinese New Year
Lunar New Year

and the kick line is Hong Pao Na Lai (red packet bring here)

It's they year of the Rabbit for those of you whom are still in the last one :P

Well, been real busy with celebrations and all, hence the neglect-ion. Not to mention the upcoming end of semester exam for myself in several days. Believe it or not, study wise = near nothing. hahaha!

Somehow or rather, i tend to find myself in this situation.

Anyway, no use regretting. I'm actually looking forward to the challenge. Hopefully I can Own it and well, as usual, all glory to Him of the Heavens! Will update you about it soon :)

till then,
live long, prosper,
with good health,
lots of wealth and
wonderful relationships plus
bountiful blessings! BeN'Z

Don't forget to pray pray pray for me to do well! it's this coming friday at 2pm. hehe. thanks in advance!

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