Street Fighter and the dancing baby!

Short n sweet:

We know the epic 2d game that features hours of fun and most of the old school people's gaming, "Street Fighter". It has transformed with multiple releases till today's 3d looking gameplay. Still with the original fighters such as Ryu, Ken, Blanka, Vega, Chun Li and etc.

Over the years they also made reality movies (which failed sad to say).

But this one, really caught my attention. It's as the title says:

The Real Street Fighter

Only wonder is what happened to that kid and the parents rage versus the falcon kick! hahaha!

Unexpected is so cliche

It's normal for people to go around doing things and say
" oh that is so cliche ";
" it's been the same for the longest time, what's new? " ;
" things will never change ".

But well, can't we all sometimes believe that there could be something different? Another outcome? Give it a try?

In essence, go in expecting the unexpected!

Otherwise, why even bother complaining about it and etc? Well, i guess that's what makes us human. The fact that we want a good outcome, but say that only a bad one will happen. And when it really happens, get all sad about it.

True isn't it?

hmnn.. I believe that's the reason in many religions, the question of faith comes in. It tests your belief towards some 'miracle' to occur. It gives ya a hope and a future. And well, I pray that everyone feels that way. Never to have a day whereby they feel alone and with no love. A way that will make them stronger and live life as it is given.

We weren't born by mistake.
Nobody is.
It's only us that choose to live in that world where we're not wanted nor loved.

For me, I thank God for a wonderful family and the many others placed in my life. God let, I be like that for others too. Maybe that's why being a doctor is my calling. To portray the love of Jesus? hehe. waaahhhh. pretty big there. maybe step by step! toodles :)

Jesus Loves Me this I know

the last one was last year

12:24am wow. this was the longest time that i haven't posted even a word since i began the blog. anyway, reason being been caught up with so many things.

amongst them are
personal life, family life, gaming life, study life, movie life, and lastly, no life.

haha. i like the picture. so, don't worry. i haven't left the cyberspace. nor have i left you guyz without a word. thanks for faithfully checking and sorry too!

in a few words, i'd like to Thank God for being so ever faithful and always being there for me throughout 2010 despite my lacking and sins. Thanks be to Him for blessing me so bountifully from studies to relationships. Truly, I would never make it though without Jesus in my life and I want the world to know how awesome He is. :)

Take care and stay tuned as more is to come in this new year with new experiences!
God bless you always.

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